Office Hours
Opinions and hot takes from your SLIGHTLY EDUCATIONAL professors
We cover a wide-array of topics at SLIGHTLY EDUCATIONAL, but sometimes we need to open up Office Hours to share our opinions that don’t fit in any of our courses.
Office Hours Lessons

I Have a Closet of Regrets
There is no better feeling than making a good purchase that brings happiness for years to come. On the flipside, buyer’s remorse is a real feeling and sometimes there are purchases I regret.

Our Favorite Resources We Couldn’t Do Without
Podcasts, blogs, and books oh my! We live in the greatest informational age of human history. To help sort through it all, here are our favorite resources.

A Decade of Reflection – Greatest Learnings from My 20s
Your 20s should be filled with mistakes, successes and fun. Here are my greatest learnings of my 20s.

25 Creative Quarantine Date Ideas
Isolated with your significant other to help flatten the Covid-19 curve? Here are some creative date ideas to keep your relationship fresh.

10 Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s
Your 20s are a fun time but pose a lot of pitfalls. Check out these 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s.

Let’s Make This Slightly Educational
SLIGHTLY EDUCATIONAL is all of the essential lessons required to be a successful adult that school never taught us.