Making life’s toughest topics SLIGHTLY EDUCATIONAL
Navigating today’s increasingly complex world is challenging and confusing. Whether you’re trying to mortgage a home, pay off your student debt, find a job or get married, it never is easy. SLIGHTLY EDUCATIONAL seeks to make all of the topics important to being a successful adult fun and informative. Our schools failed to provide us the knowledge needed to get a jump start on a productive life, but with SLIGHTLY EDUCATIONAL it’s better late than never.
As SLIGHTLY EDUCATIONAL matures, we will be adding new courses as well as bolster existing courses. Below are the current courses in which we have lessons to share. Click on them to be taken to each individual course.
Managing your finances are hard. Just trying to support yourself and pay your rent is a monumental effort. Improving your financial literacy is the first step in setting yourself up for a successful financial future.
Getting married is the biggest life change you will ever go through. As a recently engaged couple, we are going to share our experiences, tips and pitfalls, as they happen in real-time.
We cover a wide-array of topics at SLIGHTLY EDUCATIONAL, but sometimes we need to open up Office Hours to share our opinions that don’t fit in any of our more-defined courses.
Recent Lessons

How to Build Wealth: Timeless Lessons From Babylon
Building wealth eludes many people, but these timeless lessons will show you how to build the wealth you’ve always wanted.

Budgeting 101: Money Management Made Simple
Learning how to make a budget is one of the most critical steps to financial independence. Fortunately, it’s not a difficult skill to learn!

I Have a Closet of Regrets
There is no better feeling than making a good purchase that brings happiness for years to come. On the flipside, buyer’s remorse is a real feeling and sometimes there are purchases I regret.

Beginner’s Guide to Homebuying – Achieving the American Dream
This beginner’s guide will help navigate and simplify the homebuying steps involved in purchasing your first home and making your dream a reality.

Is Millennials’ American Dream Still Homeownership?
Millennials are in the economic driver’s seat and will be for decades to come, but is millennial homeownership still part of the American Dream?

Our Favorite Resources We Couldn’t Do Without
Podcasts, blogs, and books oh my! We live in the greatest informational age of human history. To help sort through it all, here are our favorite resources.

Dos and Don’ts of Dating on a Budget – His vs. Her Perspectives
Dating can be expensive, but does it have to be? Let’s find out if men and women differ in their approach to dating on a budget.

A Decade of Reflection – Greatest Learnings from My 20s
Your 20s should be filled with mistakes, successes and fun. Here are my greatest learnings of my 20s.

25 Creative Quarantine Date Ideas
Isolated with your significant other to help flatten the Covid-19 curve? Here are some creative date ideas to keep your relationship fresh.

9 Helpful Tips to Save Money
Why is it so easy to spend money, but so hard to save? Now is the time to take a look at how you spend money and begin saving with these tips to save money.

The Human Impact of Student Debt
Student debt has a financial and emotional impact on many Americans. Here is my story.

A Beginner’s Guide: How to Start Investing
This guide takes the guess work out of investing and will outline how you can best get started!

10 Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s
Your 20s are a fun time but pose a lot of pitfalls. Check out these 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s.

Engaged and Commingling Our Finances
Commingling your finances is one of the biggest conversations an engaged couple will have. See our approach.

9 Lessons To Realistically Save Money
Life can be expensive, so finding realistic ways to save money is critical to your future financial success

Understanding Interest Rates – Tiny Numbers, Big Impacts On Your Savings
See how small interest rates can have huge impacts on your financial success.

40 Creative Ways to Earn Extra Money
30% of millennials have side hustles to earn a little extra money on the side. Check out our list of 40 creative ways to earn extra money.

The Best Cashback Apps For Easy Money
Check out our list of the Best Cashback Apps and earn money now.